Sheltowee Business Network Blog

Nov. 16th:  “Understanding Yourself For Business” Workshop Delves Into Self-Assessment

Nov. 16th: “Understanding Yourself For Business” Workshop Delves Into Self-Assessment

Nov 15 2019

Nov. 16th:  “Understanding Yourself For Business” Workshop Delves Into Self-Assessment

Sheltowee Business Network LLC’s CEO Alex Day lights up when he talks about understanding passions, and living a more fulfilling life. He would like to bring his knowledge directly to you via a new SBN Workshop entitled, “Understanding Yourself for Business.” This 1st workshop will take place on Nov. 16th in Louisville at the iHub Co-Working Space from 10 AM to 3 PM.  Register at or on Eventbrite.  If you join for the month as a member at $29.95, you are eligible for this free workshop.  Or pay just for the workshop at a total of $150 (includes the Eventbrite charge).  For remote access, select either approach and a dial in code will be provided upon registration completion and membership validation and/or payment.

“We designed this workshop to help you to live a more fulfilling life, by building a business based on your passions.  This is an ongoing exercise in your life journey, so if you’ve done it before, it might be time to re-evaluate and join us,” Day said. He will lead this first workshop and will offer another session in early 2020. 

Day’s academic background is in physics, mathematics and Russian language.  He founded his own company in 2000 and has helped to start dozens of companies since then.  He has been instrumental in the state of Kentucky in the area of plant made pharmaceuticals and has assisted in raising over $50 million in capital for his client companies.  Day is passionate about science, entrepreneurism, the outdoors and his faith.  He has managed venture capital funds and understands what it is like to be on both sides of the table, both as an investor and as an entrepreneur seeking investment.  Day is interested in developing and deploying systems and programs that will significantly enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem and have a strong impact on that ecosystem in his home state of Kentucky and around the country.

He points out that your business should fit your life plan and not the other way around.  The Sheltowee Business Network offers information, tools and guidance in this course that shows this process of self-assessment is a journey and not a destination.  “We need to be able to articulate our passions as individuals, and our core values.  This takes time to assess and consider what’s important,” Day points out.

The process at the upcoming workshop will include use of Strengths Finder, the SBN life wheel approach, worksheets, guidebooks, and the Konexons application, with paired sharing and small group discussions. The SBN life wheel approach includes a look at: health and wellness; relationships, financial prosperity, your purpose, and your creative flow.

The Konexons application, now running in a beta version, has been developed by the Sheltowee Business Network for feedback, sharing and performance monitoring.  In the Goal Center of the application, you can explore the education center, set your goals, study the life wheel, input your strengths, your core values, your passions, and define your success as well as your mission statement.  (

According to Day, tips for identifying your passions Include:

•       Going back to when you were a child…

•       What did you enjoy?

•       What makes you happy today?

•       What do you spend time reading about?

•       What do you love about yourself?

Defining your own mission statement, is an important element to setting your course in business. Day has defined his as the following: “First of all to love my God with all my heart and all my soul.  To use my skills and gifts to have a positive impact on humanity that is felt beyond my lifetime and beyond the physical realm, while continuing to strive to become a better person by continually improving myself spiritually, mentally, intellectually and physically during my life.”

Once you have a mission statement, it is important to set goals for yourself. 

Day adds, “What would it be worth to take your life to the next level?”

The Sheltowee Business Network is committed to building an ecosystem of individuals who are passionate about entrepreneurism and business and want to make a difference in their community.  The core tenants of the Sheltowee Business Network are:

1.       Help others

2.       Always act with kindness, integrity and transparency

3.       Honor those who assume the risk

4.       Expect a financial return on your interactions in the network

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